
Colaer i 7-eleven Colaer i 7-eleven, tæt på

værk 015: Olof Olsson: Untitled

Olof Olsson (DK/NL/S):

Olof Olsson studerede filosofi, sprog, oversættelsesteori og fotografi, før han fik sin første udstilling i 1992 – Udstillingen fortalte en fiktiv historie om en fotograf, der ikke kunne stoppe med at tage billeder. Olsson er uddannet fra Konstfack i Stockholm i 1995, og fra Det Kongelige Akademi i København i 2002. Olsson arbejde er drevet af en uendelig nysgerrighed for, hvordan verden fungerer. Denne nysgerrighed inkluderer ham selv og hans virkes værktøjer, hvilket leder til et vist selvbevidst element i hans præsentationer.


I have placed a can of Coca Cola into the refrigerator of a 7-Eleven store in Copenhagen. It’s more or less a normal can of Coca Cola, but this particular can comes from a bottling plant in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta is the hometown of the Coca Cola Company.

It’s hard to predict the destiny of this particular can. A customer might simply not want to take it, because he or she will notice that it looks slightly different from the others. Another customer might – on the other hand, want to buy it for this very reason. Should that be the case, there will probably be problems by the counter, since the Danish 7-Eleven stores depend on LAN-codes for its sales, bookkeeping and inventory process. And the LAN-code of the American Cola can will not correspond to the code of the ones that usually are sold. Thus, the only way to sell this can of Coca Cola is to scan another Coke-can, and pretend that that is the one that actually is being sold. However, it might also be the case that the different Cola can will be spotted in the fridge by the personnel or someone alarming the personnel, before someone attempts to buy it. It might even be the case that the can will arise suspicion and someone will involve the authorities – that one will think that it’s not a real can of Cola, but something else. Basically, we don’t know what will happen.
Olof Olsson