værk 028: Augusta Atla: Objet de femmes - Emotional Realism
A Pictorial Theatre

Augusta Atla (DK):

AA arbejder i sin kunst med performance, installation, kortfilm, videoinstallation, skulptur, grafik, collage, tegning, foto og maleri.

Som visuel kunstner interesserer hun sig for eksistentielle betingelser og kollektive tabuer. AA arbejder med nye repræsentationer af kvindefiguren, og ønsker med hendes kunst at bidrage til en bredere og dybere forståelse af kvindekønnet, og ydermere stiller AA spørgsmålstegn ved køn og ”billede” i kunsthistorien. Ifølge AA er kunsthistorien fuld af fejlagtige forestillinger om en idealiseret kvindelige figur, som bygger på en heteroseksuel (kunstner) mands blik på kvinden. Dette ”blik” og kulturelle billede kan udvides af kvindelige kunstnere.

A Pictorial Theatre – Emotional Realism

A wood structure was developed in 2010, ‘A Pictorial Theatre’, in order to formally and culturally discuss the history of gender representations in art history, to question ‘the female nude model’ in painting and its relationship to performance and politics of movement and body, and a platform on which to express human emotional life. The wood structure travels to different geographies and I invite woman and men on stage, in order to continue a formal and anthropological discussion of sexualities, love, emotions, gender, stereotypical roles, existentialism, mortality and survival today.

The pictorial theatre is invented to formulate, express and research on what I call ‘Emotional Realism’, that is, the performances, video-work and photo-work developed from the pictorial theater can be described as ‘tableau vivant’, meaning a live arrangement of people and objects towards an emotional scene or incident. The artist is a responsive partaker of public activities, culture and pop visual media, and the public artwork takes part of a social discussion and research on our emotional life.

The work, A Pictorial Theatre - Emotional Realism, is a live arrangement of bodies on the pictorial stage, the wood structure was positioned by the sea shore in the north-east of Denmark.

Actress/ Dancer: Ida-Elisabeth Larsen (DK)



Augusta Atla's hjemmeside - www.atla.dk

Augusta Atla